Onto Mestia with the majority of the truck feeling a little worse for wear. Mestia is a little mountain village in the Caucasus with a mammoth drive to it (10hours) along a narrow mountain road. Amazing views which where seen from the roof seats but it was tiring and everyone was glad to get to Nino's homestay where we were to be fed alot including some very nice cake (which she also serves for breakfast)!
Today, there were 2 walks on offer and a trip to the highest inhabited village in Europe (if Georgia can be classed as Europe!). 8 of us had a nice but not too strenuous walk to a glacier. We had a 'jeep' trip to the base of the walk. The 'jeep' was a very old van so I was pretty glad that we didn't go far and all of us was amazed that it could get through the meltwater streams and rivers. The glacier was spectacular but we couldn't get too far on it due to it melting creating landslides and avalanches. It was absolutely silent apart from the cracking sound of the ice. Still can't get over scorching heat and then walking over meters of snow!
We are heading back downhill tomorrow with 2 bush camps enroute. Should be fun!
So Ned didn't get locked up for borrowing the laptop? Nice suntan.