20 May 2011

Still in Ravenswood

A quick update from Ravenswood. It's been so cold the past week or two, down to 15 degrees so I've had to put on most of what I own. I've no idea how I'm going to cope with English winter! The days in the pub are so variable and we have had a couple of very busy but short nights recently, including fish and chip Friday which is crazy! Things are still never boring in Ravenswood. We've had a pretty big BBQ fire whilst John decided to cook roast beef on it and I saw a huge bird (looked like a skinny emu but it flew, so apparently its a plains turkey). We've also had fire alarms going off in the middle of the night. Apparently geckos get into the alarms and play amongst the wires. The poor things were probably just sitting on the battery in a bid to keep warm. I've finally taken a stroll around some of town, walking past the primary school which has 1 mixed ability class with just 16 kids in it. I also visited the cemetery, which most of the graves were from the late 1800's. Pretty old for Australia but not so old when you compare it to England. I've got pretty lazy here so I took Leroy and Rosie (the 2 puppies) out for a walk and had a great time wandering around all the old mining relics and watching out for snakes. The other night there was a huge python just lying at the side of the road which was pretty cool. The weeks are going so quick that I've decided to stay here until the end of June before moving on. I just hope that it doesn't get any colder but I'm assured it will not snow here!

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