3 May 2013

Huacachina, Peru

Our next stop was the desert oasis of Huacachina. Not quite as romantic as it sounds as it's located just outside of the city of Ica. The oasis is a lovely green coloured pool surrounded by hostels and restaurants which serve the backpackers that come here for one reason only, to go sandboarding in the huge sand dunes. Most of the group took the opportunity to go for a spin in dune buggies, sand board, watch sunset, have a BBQ and then spend the night under the stars. I declined the offer as I'd done sandboarding before and I wasn't so keen on the buggies so instead spent the night in a passable hostel. It was actually quite nice to have a chilled out evening and I have found a local dish which is actually really tasty – Lomo saltado which is basically stir fried beef with onions and tomatoes with a few chips thrown in and served with rice. Yum! When I met up with the group the next morning they had had a great time but I glad that I stayed in the hostel as there were reports of no real sunset, cold chicken and chips for tea which had been brought up from town and having to walk miles for a bush wee!

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