14 February 2011


Settled by Scottish, Dunedin feels pretty British. Dunedin is actually old Gaelic for Edinburgh and the street layout was copied from an Edinburgh map. There are lots of pretty buildings, especially the train station and there's also good museum which I've had a mooch around. Dunedin is also home to the steepest street in the world with a top gradient of 1 in 1.266 (not entirely sure what this means!). I walked up it but had to have a rest in the conveniently placed bench at the top before making my way back down again. I really feel sorry for the postman! A friend from uni, Lauren is doing her PhD in the university so it was great to catch up with her as well. I had 5 days in the city with the hope of walking along the Otago Peninsula to albatross colonies and beaches with Yellow Eyed penguins. Unfortunately, I didn't get to the Peninsula as there's no public transport out there so I made use of the hostel's free internet to plan and book my way back to Auckland.

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